Title : [ ]
i can' wait for the year-end trip to malacca with all p6 after psle ms ng seems so excited about it but she doesn't want to show she keep alking about the topic...singaporeans juz nid to pay$30 plus shopping money but pr must pay $130 plus shopping money...singaporeans no worry MOE help us pay $100!!!hahz sho excited by the way we going on the november holidays after obtaining results!!!
Title : [ hiie vanessa i did it! ]
this are the songs vanessa tag me (if you came here...)hahz!wah lao today dickson shit one his pants...funny sia!!2moro prelium oral!!!nervous sia never revise diaoz "o_o haha....lolz.......tag me oK?
Title : [ Whoa!! ]
Long time no post!!Finally got time to post...Well i sho confused once one of my dun friend mi i been thinking whether it was mi in the wrong??? Sho confused then after she ask mi to make a choice her or another friend of mine i went to our school consellor...Pirvate______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________